Friday, March 13, 2015

Das Body Yaaa

I knew going into it that having a baby would wreck havoc on my body. No matter what physical exercise I was able to maintain; I knew that bringing a life form into this world would cause damage that would cost thousands of dollars in plastic surgery to repair. I was expecting the stretch marks, the saggy boobs (albeit massive monster tits for a blurry week or two), the rapid hair loss (or as Cord called it- leprosy of the head), the fuzz forehead that follows, and the excess weight postpartum.

What I was not expecting was changes to my skeletal system. Yes, it makes sense that the ribcage has to expand to make room for the organs and baby in the chest cavity. And the pelvis bones have to shift for the tiny human to come out, but in my mind I just imagined that they magically spring back to where they were before. Yeah. No.

After reaching a peak bra size of 40 (underbust), it was only around the 8 month mark post birth that my ribs finally adjusted back to their pre-baby size 36. And it probably took a solid 4 or 5 months for my hips to squeeze back into my pre-pregnancy jeans. Not to mention the fact that during labour I had deep joint pain between contractions as my body had the psychotic urge to pop my hips out of their sockets.

I read lots of pregnancy and birthing books and thought I was prepared for it all but sometimes your body does some weird and whacky things. And really it was another excuse to wear lululemon's for several months.

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